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Gin Trials and Results

Cotton Gin Report Jacobs Farm, Winters TexasReport Date: Oct. 2020 The price and savings represented in this report does not include the following: Contact L&C Natural Ag to learn more about our other offerings.

“Rumenation” & Cow Farts

“Rumenation” & Cow Farts “Rumenation” & Cow Farts: Ruminants have a unique digestive system, compared to other animals. They have, as many people say, four stomachs. This is not totally accurate; a ruminant has a compartmentalized stomach consisting of four chambers. One of those is the rumen. The rumen is basically a big fermentation vat […]

Weaning Calves 90 Day Trial

90-Day Trial On Fresh-Weaned Calves Off Test Report conducted by Leachman Cattle of Colorado This 90-day trial on fresh-weaned calves was performed primarily, to determine the effects of adding Balancer2 to the water supply on average daily gains, derived from feed conversion efficiency. Also observed, but not measured, were overall health of each group and […]

Crop “Ensurance”

Applying Wind River Microbes To Your Soils Provides Crop “Ensurance” A paid policy that kicks in when a natural disaster occurs in the ag industry is crop insurance. It’s something a farmer must ultimately carry. We never know when mother nature will afford us a severe drought, or the neighbor burning trash on a windy […]

Animal Gut Health & Microbes

Unveiling The Microbial Marvels of Animal Gut Health Animal Gut Health & Microbes: Microbes play a pivotal role in shaping the gastrointestinal ecosystem of animals, profoundly influencing feed efficiency, conversion, and overall gut health. Within the complex microbial community residing in the gastrointestinal tract, beneficial microorganisms contribute significantly to nutrient utilization and digestion. One key […]

Importance of Cation Exchange Capacity

Cation Exchange Capacity of Soil Cation exchange capacity is a crucial process in soil chemistry that plays a fundamental role in nutrient availability for plants. It involves the interchange of positively charged ions (cations) between soil particles and plant roots. In soils, clay minerals and organic matter have negatively charged exchanging sites, which attract and […]

Balancer2 Animal Rescue Trial

Balancer2 Animal Rescue Trial Balancer2 Animal Rescue Trial: Intake 1/18/22 Kitten appears to be in good health. Eating, drinking well, active, etc. Stool is formed but soft and *incredibly* pungent. Has received regular deworming. Will give kitten time to adjust to change in food/environment and dispense probiotic to see if stool smell will decrease 1/27/22: […]

F.Lower’s BioSoil Case Study

F.Lower’s BioSoil Case Study F.Lower’s BioSoil Case Study: F.Lower’s, a prominent wholesale and retail greenhouse in Southwestern Missouri, recently conducted a month-long trial to evaluate the efficacy of BioSoil as a potential ongoing treatment for their greenhouse plants. The team measured the width and height of plants before and after the treatment. One group of […]