Balancer2 Animal Rescue Trial

Balancer2 Animal Rescue Trial

Balancer2 Animal Rescue Trial: Intake 1/18/22

Kitten appears to be in good health. Eating, drinking well, active, etc. Stool is formed but soft and *incredibly* pungent. Has received regular deworming. Will give kitten time to adjust to change in food/environment and dispense probiotic to see if stool smell will decrease

1/27/22: Stool remains the same for the most part. Formed but soft and occasionally mucousy. While the smell may not be *quite* as bad, it is still abnormally pungent. At this point we usually turn to an antibiotic (Clavamox) as this kind of smell is most commonly due to a bacterial overgrowth in the gut that the kittens aren’t quite able to overcome themselves. However, will dispense microbes instead, starting today. 

Kitten is 4lbs. Will give at lower recommended dose of 15mL/100lb which calculates to 0.6mL once a day for this kitten.

1/31/22: Stool now has very little smell at all, even for stool!


1/18/22: Kitten also presents with small hairless area on front right paw. Suspicious for ringworm but at this time area is only hairless, with healthy skin visible. Will monitor. 

1/20/22: Hairless area on paw has now progressed to a crusty appearance consistent with ringworm. Normal skin is no longer visible. Will start regular oral ringworm medication (Itrafungol) 

1/27/22: ringworm lesion has progressed as they usually do. Hairless area has progressed from a crusty appearance to slightly less crusty but no normal skin or new hair growth visible at this time.

Will start topical application of microbe solution to lesion to see if it will expedite healing process. Approximately 0.1mL spread on entire lesion once daily.

1/29/22: Almost all flakey portions are gone and there is a substantial amount of hair growth compared to two days ago

1/31/22: full coverage of hair growth over area


Balancer2 Animal Rescue Trial – Personal Notes From Animal Rescue Agency Volunteer:

This product seems to have definitely been the only reason for Dazzle’s improved stool. Usually this particular smell does not clear on its own. It either persists or progresses to diarrhea. Dazzle was also frequently quite gassy. I haven’t noticed any at all from her in at least 2 days. 

As far as the healing for her ringworm spot, I believe it has healed and hair grown has been much quicker than previous kittens. I’ve included pictures from the 27th, 29th and 31st.

I plan to continue giving her oral dose for the rest of the 7 day duration. If there is any change once treatment has been completed, I’ll let you know. Otherwise, assume she’s still doing great!

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