Gin Trials and Results

Cotton Gin Report

Jacobs Farm, Winters Texas
Report Date: Oct. 2020

The price and savings represented in this report does not include the following:

  • Savings from reduction of inputs on the East field.
  • Additional income from the higher grade of cotton (see loan rate above) Net weight of cotton after filtering of trash.
  • The results in other applications may differ from the results in this report.
What is “Average Leaf”?

“Avg Leaf” refers to particles of the cotton plant’s leaf which remain in the lint after ginning.

Why Does Average Loan Matter?

“Avg Loan” shows the dollar amount per pound of cotton on which a bank will loan. The higher the value, the better.

What is Average Mic?

“Avg Mic” (Micronaire) is a measure of the cotton’s fineness and resistance to air flow

What is “Average Staple”?

“Avg Staple” is the average length of the longer fibers in a boll.

What is “Average Strength”?

“Avg Strength” is the strength of the fibers. Wet fibers are usually stronger than dry fibers. Cotton is stronger than rayon.

What is “Average Uniformity”?

“Avg Color RD” refers to gradations of grayness and yellowness in the cotton. Rd indicates how bright/dull the cotton is. +b indicates yellow pigmentation.

What is “Average Trash”?

“Avg Trash” refers to foreign matter such as leaf fragments, bark, grass and dirt..

What is “Average Length”?

“Avg Length” is the actual length of the fibers and is directly related to strength, which is critical in processing fibers and yarns. Mostly, a long fiber length is preferable.

Contact L&C Natural Ag to learn more about our other offerings.

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